Thursday, March 15, 2012

Shoulders + Arms Week 4

I really do enjoy the Shoulders + Arms workout and am sad to see it go.  I think I like it because it's only 7 exercises and it's fast-paced.

I'm getting better at Ab Ripper -- but every time Tony Horton says "Time for Abrinome, oooh, everyone loves Abrinome,"  I say, OUT LOUD, "I hate Abrinome."  Also, while doing Gate Bridge Lift this time, I turned off my damn heart rate monitor, so whatever I've written below is based on an average of the last 3 weeks.

In other news, I weighed in this morning and gained 2 pounds this week.  Let's review -- red wine, and CHALLAH.  My work bought delicious preztel challah for a program, and because we had a bunch left over, I took it home for a dinner party.  Then we had even more left over, so throughout this week I've been eating it.  I think I've had like 5 rolls.  Otherwise, I've been pretty good this week, so I'm pretty sure that eating bread has messed me up.

Also, let's talk timeline.  Since I've been doing 4 weeks of workouts and then 1 week of recovery, I'm in a 5 week rotation.  Recovery Week starts on Sunday (hallelujah!) and then I have Phase 3: Performance.  I'm thinking I'll only do Phase 3 for 3 weeks then go into Recovery, since I've gotten so exhausted in Week 4 of the other Phases.  So, that means I should be with the program by April 21.  I'm also reminded that next week I need to spend some time reviewing the new workouts for Phase 3: PAP Lower and PAP Upper.

Here are my Week 1 to Week 4 stats:
Balance Curl: 16/15-20 RB --> 16/25-30 RB
Arnold Press [alternating arms]: 5 each arm/15-20 RB --> 10 each arm/10-12 RB
Overhead Tricep Pull: 12/15-20 RB --> 12/10-12 RB
Six Direction Shoulder Fly: 6/10-12 RB --> 10/3 lb each
Crazy Eights (8 curls with one arm with the other in an isometric hold, then switch): 32/10-12 RB --> 32/25-30 RB
Y-T Fly: 8/3 lb each --> 12 3 lb each
Rocket Launcher Tricep Kickback: 16/3 each --> 20/3 each

Calories Burned = 571 (compared to 585 in Week 1)
Average Heart Rate = 118 (compared to 118 in Week 1)
Peak Heart Rate = 154 (compared to 157 in Week 1)

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