Monday, January 23, 2012

X2 Core: Round Two

Maybe it's that I have seen these exercises before, maybe it's that it's the beginning of the second week of P90X2, maybe I just needed to exercise.  Whatever the reason, I improved in several exercises today.  Of the 17 exercises, I improved by at least one rep in  12 exercises!  And in one exercise, the Med Ball Dreya Roll, I surprised even myself by doing 11 rolls with an 8 pound medicine ball when last week I could do 1.

Well, since no one else could actually see me doing the exercise, I guess I couldn't expect anyone else to be surprised.  Perhaps one of the cats was thinking, "Wow, great job on that!  You really figured out that exercise and showed Tony Horton you do have some core strength!"  However, she kept it to herself.

 This Med Ball Dreya Roll situation is a perfect example of the importance of seeing the videos before just attempting to do them.  That, and actually listen to Tony's instruction to "keep your core engaged."  Details, details.

The one I'm still not sure about is the 3 Speed Med Ball Push Up.  First, Tony tells you it's not "really" a push-up after the exercise is over.  Well then what the heck is it?  Second, I can't get the hang of moving my hands in and out.  Maybe I am worried about crashing on to my nose?  Or maybe it's just a really hard exercise and I need more practice.  Hmm.... there might be something to that.

I'm going to be writing about the nutrition plan this be on the look out for that.

Calories Burned = 607
Average Heart Rate = 134
Peak Heart Rate = 179

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