Tuesday, February 7, 2012

X2 Core Week 4

Week 4 has officially begun!  This is the last week of the Fat Shredder Phase of the workouts.

Here's a rundown of how I improved from the first week to the last week:

Sphinx Plank Crunch: 13 reps --> 20 reps
Warrior 3 Cross Crunch: 10 reps --> 10 reps (this one I was pretty good at!)
Single Leg Walk Out to Sphinx: 5 Right/4 left (3 touch) --> 5 Right/Left (1 touch)
Half Angel: 4 Right/Left --> 8 Right/9 Left (Goal is 10)
Roller Boat: 10 --> 12 (with good form)!
3 Speed Med Ball Pushups (30 secs): 0 on MedBall/8 on ground --> 0 on Med Ball (I couldn't get to this)/12 on ground
One Leg Lateral Leap Squat: 12 (3-4 touches) --> 12 (3-4 touches)
Core Circles (40 seconds): 40 seconds on ground --> 40 seconds on stability ball
Holmsen Screamer Lunge: 13 Right/14 Left --> 15 Right/Left
Med Ball Dreya Roll: 0 --> 14 with 8 lb Med Ball
Plank Burpee: 8 --> 14
Banana Ball Switch Crunch: 10 --> 17
3 Point Squat Press with Med Ball: 12 --> 15 with 8 lb Med Ball
Slo Mo Balance Climber: 10 on ground --> 20 on stability ball
X2 Diver: 5 --> 5 (still need work on my form on this one!)
Ryan Sphinx Twist Crunch: 4 Right/3 Left --> 9 Right/8 Left
One Leg Burpees: 8 --> 10

Overall, I'm pretty excited!  I improved on most of the exercises, and definitely could feel the core engagement more as I got into weeks 3 and 4.

Calories Burned = 547  (compared to 727 in Week 1)
Average Heart Rate = 129 (compared to 147 in Week 1)
Peak Heart Rate = 180 (did not record for Week 1)

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